Tenable - Contestants Wanted

Tenable challenges a team of five players to step up and take on ‘top ten’ list questions, with the chance to take home a cash prize of up to £125,000!

They are recruiting teams of FIVE people to take part in the show. Requesting an application form is easy. All you need to do is email your FULL NAME and TELEPHONE NUMBER to tenable@initialtv.com or write to them at;

Initial 5th Floor,
Shepherds Building Central,
Charecroft Way,
London, W14 0EE.

Closing date for applications is 11th June 2018 (subject to change) and filming is due to take place between 17th April and 23rd June 2018 (subject to change).

Applicants must be 18 or over and have the right to reside in the UK.

Quizzing Grand Prix

This Saturday, 10th March, sees the second of the Quest Americas Quiz at the King’s Head (opposite Warrington Central Station) starting at 12:00 noon.  There will also be a Hot 100 Quiz and a Random Pairs Quiz.  Please register online at Questquizzing.co.uk or contact Dave Tilley via tilsit@btinternet.com.

Cliff Houghton on Mastermind

Cliff Houghton's semi-final appearance on Mastermind will be screened on Friday 9 February 2018.  There is also a story about him on the Warrington Wolves website:

Cliff Houghton


Quiz in the North

Saturday 16th December

A full day's convivial quizzing will be taking place next Saturday, 16th December, at The Cross Keys pub in Earle Street, Liverpool (just off Old Hall Street), beginning at 11.00am and running through until about 5.00pm.

There will be three main quizzes - an Individual written quiz, a team quiz and a special quiz (details to follow).

Amongst the quizzers attending will be members of the Eggheads and Chasers and you could play with them in the team quiz where the teams are drawn at random from all of the entrants.

The cost for the day's quality quizzing is just £5 per head (pay at the door), and food is available in the pub, or there are plenty of restaurants, cafes and sandwich shops within a short walk of the venue.

Please let us know in advance if you intend to come, either by signing up at Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/quiz-in-the-north-15-liverpool-tickets-38698886411?aff=eac2 or by telling us on the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/2143360435677857/

Remotely Funny - CBBC Game Show

The BBC are looking for contestants for Remotely Funny, a CBBC game show, which is being filmed this August

This is the second series and they are looking for children (ages 8 – 14) with big, sparky personalities who would love to take part in this fun remote gameshow.

As in series 1  three teams, living all over the UK, connect and compete in crazy challenges (in their own homes) against each other and link up via webcams to the presenter SAARA. But it’s not just the kids playing in this series! They’re taking the fun up to a whole new level and are looking for teams with at least two adults (mums, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc) and two children – with the child who applies being the team captain – to take part.

An application form can be found here, so feel free to print off an distribute or send to any friends or colleagues you think would be up for comedy games, challenges and general hilarity and ask them to apply ASAP.

Alternatively the application can be found using the following link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/be-on-a-show-remotely-funny


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